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RIS Media ? Interfusion Marketing Checklist | Real Estate Marketing

April 4th, 2012 Posted in Search Engine Optimization

10 Critical Steps to an Interfusion Marketing Strategy

With 2011 underway we must be ?razor focused? and understand the mindset of the consumer we want to do business with. Tailor the presentation, the message and the information to engage them. An Interfusion Marketing strategy blends together the targeted focus message with website strategy, offline marketing and your social media so it reaches everywhere in a cohesive plan of attack. Here are 10 steps to make sure you do just that.

?Step 1 ? Understand your vision and who you want to attract

Work certain towns; first time home buyer market, or short sales? Hone-in on where you want your business to come from. What does that type of consumer want? Where do they look for information? And how do they go about getting it? Tailor to their mind.

Step 2 ? Have main website buttons with content and MLS searches

Once they land on your site, you have only seconds to prove they have come to the right place. They should click on the button and go to a page about the area with photos and even a video that allows them to gather information from your perspective.

Step 3 ? Give them what they want?.LISTINGS
Include an interactive MLS search on your homepage and have creative searches on your content pages that interfuse specific MLS searches by price or property type. Once they click on the listing details, romance them and gain their trust to engage with you.

Step 4 ? Have ?Calls To Action? ? compel them to click through

Engagement points (A.K.A. calls to action) should be sprinkled strategically throughout your site. Get into their head, ?That?s what I am dying to know? or ?I think I should look into that.? Tailor the message like:

? Facing Foreclosure?

? Has the market stabilized?

? Foreclosure/Bank-owned Buys ? click here!

Step 5 ? Incubate the lead with automated email follow up

Calls to action must be partnered with an automated email drip campaign. Make sure it?s on branded email stationary with links back to your site and be on schedule for at least a year. Be positioned so when they are ready to move forward they think of you.

Step 6 ? Match the Calls to Action with specific landing pages and domain names. Remember the consumer can be at different phases of the process and many times they aren?t ready to talk to you just yet. Non-Branded pages like www.FortMillForeclosureList.com allow them to get information on their own terms which in turn get them into the email follow up.

Step 7 ? Social? Offline? ? Preach your message everywhere.

If your marketing and advertising doesn?t have a call to action?it?s pointless. Whether its postcards, listing flyers, magazine ads, facebook ads, craigslist or even your facebook business page wall you need to remember it?s about lead generation!

Step 8 ? Manage the leads and track the results.
What advertising gets the most leads? Which calls to action get the most traffic? How many buyers are in incubation and at what point to they seem to convert? Be like the ?FBI?. Profile and track your business so you know where to cut and where to spend.

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