Getting your house ready for fall is much simpler than you think. I fact you can get it done by following these 3 very simple steps. Of course there is so much more that you can do and how much you is completely up to you.
Step 1:
Remove anything that looks Spring or Summer and that you can live without for a season. For example I pack away my flowery bowls and? brightly colored vases.
Step 2:
Replace those things will items that have fall colors and textures. I love bringing out my deep orange pitchers and rich green vases. They make the house new new and comfy. I also bring out gourds and pumpkins to make the house fell festive. I use plastic as well as real ones but you should keep in mind that you may have to replace real ones during the season.
Step 3:
Add new to the mix each year. Things get old and dusty over time and when they do it is time to retire them. Make sure to add at least one-two new items each year so that as things are retired they are replace with something. Not to mention your style will and taste will change from year to year so adding a couple of items you like that year will save you money when you decide you hate them next year.
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