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Warped Plywood Cabinet Doors - Carpentry - DIY Chatroom - DIY ...

Old Yesterday, 06:32 PM ? #1



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I have used an oak veneer 3/4" plywood to make kitchen cabinet doors. They look great and have been hanging for about 4 week but have begun to warp slightly. Can I correct this and is it something I can prevent?

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Old Yesterday, 06:48 PM ? #2



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About the only thing you can do is make up some battens and glue and screw them from the back side of the doors.
Make sure the holes in the battens are clearence drilled for the screws so they will have more pulling power to draw the two pieces together.

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Old Yesterday, 10:04 PM ? #3



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is it something I can prevent?

Yes...........Don't buy your Oak Plywood from a Box Store. __________________

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Source: http://www.diychatroom.com/f14/warped-plywood-cabinet-doors-133378/

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