বৃহস্পতিবার, ১৮ জুলাই, ২০১৩

One in four Japanese Tweeters have more than one account


When did you start using Twitter? graph of japanese statisticsjapan.internet.com recently reported on a survey by goo Research into Twitter, with the focus in their short report being on multiple account holders.


Between the 28th of June and the 2nd of July 2013 1,065 members of the goo Research online monitor group completed a private internet-based questionnaire. 54.1% of the sample were male, 13.7% in their teens, 15.4% in their twenties, 21.6% in their thirties, 17.1% in their forties, 15.0% in their fifties, and 17.2% aged sixty or older.

I have three sort-of active accounts, all three tied to different blogs for autoposting only; @WhatJapanThinks is the one to follow for this blog.

Research results

First of all, 35.5% of the sample, or 378 people currently used Twitter. They were asked the following:

Q1: When did you start using Twitter? (Sample size=378)

This week 1.6%
This month 1.1%
Within the last six months 6.1%
Within the last year 16.4%
Within the last three years 52.4%
More than three years ago 22.5%

Q2: How many accounts do you have? (Sample size=378)

One 77.5%
Two (to SQ) 12.7%
Three or more (to SQ) 9.8%

Q2SQ: Why do you have multiple accounts? (Sample size=85)

For distinct use in different communities 56.5%
To effectively get information I want 41.2%
To separate work and private matters 24.7%
Have hobby-related bots 17.6%
Other 4.7%
Read more on: goo research,twitter


Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/WhatJapanThinks/~3/nAszauj3m3o/

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