Amazon Response: Cleaning Kindle Fire Screen
How do I clean my Kindle Fire screen? This was the simple question that resulted in this post.
Searching the Amazon site and doing some googling came up with too many unuseful answers, so I took another trip through the included Kindle Fire User?s Guide. The (partial) answer is in Appendix A under Maintaining Your Kindle, and I think still requires some due diligence through the Amazon site for a 100% answer. To find this, open your Kindle Fire User?s Guide and in the table of contents move to Appendix A and click Product Information.
Here is what the Kindle Fire User?s Guide > Appendix A?> Product Information?> Maintaining Your Kindle?has to say on the matter:
Clean the screen with a soft cloth; be careful not to wipe it with anything abrasive. When carrying the Kindle Fire in a bag or briefcase, keep a cover on to avoid scratches.
As a Kindle owner who just kicked out $199 for my new tablet, I want a little more specific info than that. So far I?ve use damp paper towels or a t-shirt. Even though there may not be scratches at first, will the screen scratch over time? Eyeglasses are like that, you can clean them with damp paper towels, best with soap, but some lenses will scratch over time.
UPDATE: I inquired at Kindle support via the Amazon website and got the following response with great and official details for cleaning the Kindle Fire?s screen:
To clean your Kindle screen, we recommend using a lens cleaning or microfiber cloth slightly dampened with water. The objective is to clean the screen and not drain it or wash it. Chemical cleaning solutions may damage the screen. We recommend you use a dampened cloth microfiber without soap and alcohol to clean the kindle screen.
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