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Reputation: 4
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- Joined: 14-June 09
Posted Today, 10:05 AM
I want to generate a double value in java, with up 10 decimal spaces. I know how to use the standard java random number generator to get numbers in between a specific range, but I dont know how to shift decimal places so that I can have decimals and whole numbers like 123456.000123. This is probably simple but the only way I know how to do this at the moment would be to generate each digit separately and put them together which is pretty inefficient. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
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Replies To: What is an efficient way to randomly generate specific double format?
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Re: What is an efficient way to randomly generate specific double format?
Posted Today, 10:07 AM
Do you need it to specifically have that format? With that many whole number places and that many decimal places filled?
Reputation: 1991
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Re: What is an efficient way to randomly generate specific double format?
Posted Today, 10:09 AM
Check Random.nextDouble() and use the precision you need.
Reputation: 2121
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Re: What is an efficient way to randomly generate specific double format?
Posted Today, 10:33 AM
What are you going to do with it? You might be better off using BigDecimal
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