This is a brand new era and your attitudes, expectations and actions can redefine how aging is perceived. You have an opportunity to set the bar. While Boomers can fall into any of the fourteen dating traps described in Conscious Dating, here are some that we have found to be most common to this age group-
? Scarcity Trap- Thinking all the ?good? men or women have been taken,
are dead, or want younger partners
? Packaging Trap- Thinking that an aging body is unattractive and being
uncomfortable or afraid of becoming sexually intimate with a partner
because your packaging isn?t ?perfect?
? Fairytale Trap- You desire a partner but inertia and the status quo seem
easier than being proactive in a search for a mate. You might think ?if it?s
meant to be it will happen.?
Conscious Dating is a registered trademark of the Relationship Coaching Institute.
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