শুক্রবার, ২৩ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১১

Abduction Movie Review: Taylor Lautner Fans Will Enjoy it, But ...

With Abduction, Taylor Lautner is looking to shed the persona of Twilight second fiddle Jacob Black and come into his own as a movie star. He succeeded.

That said, is Abduction simply for his younger, adoring fans, or can it be enjoyed by a wider audience? Short story: If you love Lautner, you'll enjoy this.

On its own merit, the work has some problems. If plot and execution are elements of a film you appreciate, let's just say there have been better movies.

Movie Fanatic sat down with the personable young star last week to discuss the role. Here's their Taylor Lautner interview and official Abduction review.

Here's the trailer for the film, in theaters now:

Abduction Trailer

Source: http://www.thehollywoodgossip.com/2011/09/abduction-review-taylor-lautner-fans-will-love-it-but/

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