মঙ্গলবার, ২০ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১১

How to be familiar with symptoms of diabetes

Fewer th?n half ?f people w?th diabetes ?r? aware th?t th?? ?r? diabetic ?r seek diagnosis b? physician. Early diagnosis ?nd treatment ?? very crucial f?r pushing th? disease ?t bay. S?, ?t ?? very helpful f?r people t? understand th? alarming sign ?f diabetes, ?? ?t ?? a common lifelong disease th?t gnaws th? organs ?f th??r body.

F?r those wh? believe th?t th?? h??? become victim ?f th?? disease, th?? ?h??ld consult doctor ?? soon ?? possible; ?? th?t th?? ??n b? resisted fr?m further extending ?nd ?r??t?ng further complication. Diabetes ??n b? ?l?w killer f?r th? suffers, ?? th?? ?? potentially harmful t? d?m?g? one organ t? another ?f a corporal body.

B?t, now w?th medical progress, putting resistance t? th? advancement ?f diabetes h?? become possible. It ?? clinically proven th?t diabetes mellitus ??n b? well restrained ?f symptoms ?f diabetes ?r? diagnosed ?t earlier stages. Along w?th clinical treatment, diabetic patients ?r? now aware th?t eating healthy, exercising regularly ?nd taking prescribed medication ??n h?l? th?m live longer ?nd healthier. Having knowledge ?f th? potential risk ?f th? disease ??n h?l? people continue w?th low recurring complications out ?f th? disease.

1. Causes ?f th? disease- Diabetes:-

World Health Organization h?? sound a warning ??r??? th? globe th?t major section ?f ??r people ?r? going t? become victim ?f th?? disease. H?w???r, n? clinical research h?? b??n ?bl? t? cite specific reason ?f diabetes, although th?r? ?r? ??rt??n factors th?t ??n trigger th? ?t?rt ?f th? disease. Those factors ??n b? heredity, obesity, stressful profession, sedentary lifestyle, pregnancy, viral infections, ?nd wr?ng ?r prolonged medications, ?m?ng others. A? a result, th??? ??n cause nervous system d?m?g?, renal failure, sexual dysfunction, eyesight loss, foot disorders, diabetic skin, stroke, heart ?nd artery disease, high blood pressure ?nd many more. People between th? ages ?f 30 ?nd ?f 40 years ??n b? th? primary victims ?f diabetes, ?nd th?? ?? known ?? Type-2 diabetes. B?t, t? th? m??t horrific extent ?f th??ght, diabetes disease ?? now even prevalent ?n children, wh??h ?? known ?? Type-1 diabetes. Clinical diagnoses ?nd researches h??? blamed th? poor diet ?nd lifestyle choices besides consumption ?f alcohol t? extreme limit ?nd smoking.

2. S?m? common symptoms ?f diabetes :-

? Low energy ?nd sleepiness
? Frequent urination
? Urine w?th distinct apple-l?k? odor
? Extreme thirst ?nd disproportionate hunger
? Disproportionate weight loss ?nd weight gain
? Blurred vision
? Impatiently ?l?w heal t? cuts ?nd bruises
? Itchy ?nd numbness ?n hands ?nd feet
? Unpredictable mood swings
? Sweet smelling breath

Taking ?ll ?f th? above-stated signs ?nd symptoms ?f diabetes ?nt? account ??n?t guarantee ?n ?n? way th?t individuals having ?n? ?f th?m ?r? diabetic. B?t, th??? symptoms ?r? b? ?nd large seen wh?n a person becomes victim ?f th? disease. Once understood ?f gradual encroaching towards diabetic stages, individuals ?h??ld g? t? physician without delay.


?Prevention ?? better th?n cure.? H?w???r, onslaught ?f diabetes ??n hardly b? resisted ?n view ?f th? unhealthy modus vivendi. Wh?t w? ??n d? f?r better ?f ?? ?? prevent th? onslaught b? taking care ?f ??r lifestyle. Regular physical activity, eating healthy food, participating meditation session, taking ?nl? prescribed medication ?nd following regular check-up ??n keep ?n individual away fr?m th? complications ?f diabetes.

Source: http://webarticless.com/2011/09/how-to-be-familiar-with-symptoms-of-diabetes/

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